the sun that swallowed you
Death is oh so strange
What I would give to go back to this moment
Wrestling in the water until the horizon swallowed the sun
Algae and bug spray and pinecones filling my nostrils
Sacrificing my bare shoulders to the mosquitos for just a few more minutes
Oh to be so blissfully unaware that we were running out of time
That the horizon would swallow the sun and the moon
And take you with it
That sunsets on the water would never feel the same again
I miss you and I’m aching.
I’m still swimming, wrestling the waves where you used to be.
Oh what I would give to hear your voice again
To be tossed into the deep end because I’m a sulking teenager who needs to be a kid again
To be thrown over your shoulder because I’m still a kid who’s scared to grow up
A kid who doesn’t know you’re dying.
Oh what I would give to be atop your shoulders in a freezing lake on a summer evening
To be in the space between
True naivete and brutal reality
To be where childhood and adulthood are as indistinguishable as the fading sun
I’m a woman now
And I still miss your shoulders
I still miss the mosquitoes preying on my skin
I miss the sticks in the sand poking my ankles
And the water clogging my ears
I miss the days where I just existed, living and breathing and waiting for the sun to kiss our precious summer air goodnight and swallow us all.